Media and the Poor

I was not really sure how I was going to feel about the articles this week. I think that talking about wealth or the lack there of is something that is very personal fro most people and  I was worried that the articles were going to rub me the wrong way. However , I was pleasantly surprised but what I read , specifically the article 4 Problems with the Way the Media Depicts Poor People. To start off I thought that this article was very easy to read and flowed very nicely. It really made me look at how the media really does portray the poor. In  the article it stated “We need to see that there are people out there who struggle, and who deserve to have attention paid to their struggles. We need to see this and hear about it, so that we can keep our humanity intact and maintain our ability to have empathy and compassion for others.” I really liked this expert, I think that it totally encapsulates how we as a society treat people who are less fortunate. We have no problem sitting down and watching shows like the Real House Wives but as soon as someone talks about their financial hardships we lose interest. This article also spoke of how when the media discusses “the poor” it gives statistics and facts which no one is really interested about hearing. I think that this article really made me reconsider how I will treat the way I will perceive the poor through the media.