Media Phobia

Adults started to wonder if media negatively influenced their children? they also thought technology was a distraction from their school work. Do you guys think this is the biggest issue in this chapter? apparently people thought the reason why their children lacked social skills and weren’t meeting their childhood requirements was blamed on media. Even though this is an issue its not the Biggest issue. A few factors of media phobia spoke out to me, and even broke my heart a little. I will point out a few.

The biggest crisis American children face today is poverty. The rate of poverty in America has now a rate of two or three times higher than other industrialized nations. Most of these children are under the age of 18 years old, I could not believe this is happening right now. I always knew this was an issue but never knew it was this extreme.

915 children were killed in 2010, by their parents, I could not even express my feelings towards these actions. My only question is why ? why would parents do such things. this fact was also in the poverty section. I Could not believe some parents and also teachers would kill children.

overall, this chapter was a great way of learning new things of media and pop culture.