Medication Education

My family is fairly well educated and able to search out the information they need when self-administering. However, there are still typically gaps in knowledge due to a lack of understanding of foundational aspects of pharmacology and pathophysiology. I have one family member who is on many medications, and she is actually highly motivated to educate herself; she knows most of her medications fairly well. However, there are certain aspects of which she is not aware and so I’m careful to ask her questions pretty regularly about which medications and doses she is taking currently. Some months ago, her physician changed some of her meds and forgot to add a potassium sparing diuretic to her medication regimen, which includes Lasix and Digoxin…and her labs that week indicated K+ of 3.4. Since she was not aware of the implications regarding potassium, I had the opportunity to educate her on signs of hypokalemia and Digoxin toxicity, and on the need to supplement her diet with potassium until her physician came back from vacation and could correct her medication regimen.

In terms of homeopathic and “natural/herbal” medications, I find that even my friends/family who are knowledgeable about the broad spectrum of supplements do not base their beliefs on evidence, but simply what is reported by respected individuals or magazines; there is a strong media influence on adoption of these supplements into a person’s lifestyle. They are especially not aware of the act that these natural supplements can interact with most medications, the most serious of which include the anticoagulants and anticonvulsants.  I have also found that this is the most difficult education in terms of meeting resistance.  Some of my family members will keep using homeopathic medications despite my explanations.

In conclusion, in addition to educating our patients in the facility, there is a need for us to ensure that those closest to us are practicing caution with the medications needed for their health. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a resource to my family and friends in this way; even if I do not know the answer, I know where to find a good source that can offer an explanation.