
This week I talked to my mom and my fiance, Eddie,  about their medications.

Eddie takes levothyroxine regularly. He knows it is also called synthroid.  He knows this drug is for his thyroid and he is supposed to take it every morning, 1 hour before he eats. He does not know any side effects per say, but knows if he does not take it, he feels tired. OTC he takes Advil. He only knows this name and does not know the generic. When asked how often he can take it he responded, “however often the bottle says.”

My mom takes an inhaler for her asthma regularly. She could not remember the name as she has recently started taking it. She does not know any side effects.  She knows she is to use as needed for her symptoms. When asked how she uses the inhalers she stated she puts her mouth on and inhales as she depresses. OTC she takes multivitamins and calcium supplements. She takes Advil for pain as needed. She knows it is also called ibuprofen. Also did not know frequency she could take but knows to read the bottle.