Meet CI’s SURFers

The Student Research Steering Council is pleased to announce the first group of Student Undergraduate Research Fellows, or SURFers.  Supported with funds from the President and the CI Foundation, we are creating an undergraduate Interdisciplinary Research Learning Community. Our process for identifying the inaugural group for Spring 2015 began with faculty nominations from which we would chose 12 SURFers.  The good news is that we received faculty nominations for more than 30 qualified candidates.  The bad news is that we had to winnow that number down to 12, something that we found difficult to say the least. The quality of students nominated by faculty was outstanding.  With some additional financial support from Project ACCESO and Geoff Buhl, and reprioritizing our own finances, we are able to fund 17 SURFers.

Click through the pages below to meet CI’s Surfers. Faculty interested in the IRLC should contact Matt Cook (, Sean Kelly (, or Luis Sanchez (