Million Dollar Decision


When the tribes receive tree mail, they realize that the merge is finally happening and some have mixed emotions about it.  Josh and Reid start brainstorming ideas for their alliances once the merge happens and who they know for sure should be voted off once they go to their tribal meeting. Everyone is “keeping their options open” for their alliances once the tribes come together. For the members whose loved ones were voted off, I feel like it is harder for them, because they do not have that natural alliance with their loved one, like some other members do. For example, Julie not wanting to be apart of tribe activities because she does not want to do it without her boyfriend Jon who was voted off a couple weeks ago, would have a harder time making alliances because she wants to set herself apart from the group. Jeremy is just happy to have Missy back because she has had his back since the very beginning, and having her, would bring Baylor to him too. Josh says that they will be okay and be able to vote Jeremy off, as long as they get the alliances before Jeremy, Missy, and Baylor do. They would have had to come up with these ideas by brainstorming with others or using the DOT technique in a way.

Josh wants all the couples to stay together and eventually vote off the singles. Baylor has a difficult time with alliances because she has a bond with Josh, but her mom Missy has a bond with Jeremy. They cannot all become one big alliance because Josh’s plan is to vote Jeremy off the first chance he gets.

Julie is lost not having Jon by her side while others still have their loved ones, and decided to quit!! Because of her quitting, there is no tribal council, and Josh does not get to vote Jeremy off.

We’ll see if he gets that chance next week!!