Million $ Problem Solving In Groups

On episode seven of survivor it’s clear that the tribes are making decisions about who they want to vote off the island. Jeremy seems to be the target in his tribe while Keith is concerned that his name was written down the last time his tribe voted.  The tribes are clearly displaying group decision making. Interesting enough they are challenged with problem solving at the same time. They must consider who they vote off the island because it may present problems in the future but they must also decide who to align themselves with to decide who will be voted off next. The problem solving realities are clear the politics of the tribes play a crucial role on who will be voted off. There is preexisting preferences from the tribes being mixed and matched. Also, the strong powerful players continue to try and control the Game. Josh and Jeremy are working hard at trying to move things around to their best interest. The tribe members identify the problem; they must vote someone off the island. They then began to create a collaborative setting aligning themselves with one another. They must analyze the issues regarding the decision they seek, who will be on board and who will or and why. Then they star to decide how they will persuade others.  At the end a decision has to be made. And then they sit around and wonder if they made the right choice or not. In the end after all that planning and wining immunity and brainstorming it all did not have much affect on the tribal meeting, with Julie quitting no one was voted off the cayopa tribe. I do think though that it set the stage for what will happen next. Josh and Jeremy are eager to get one another voted off and were a bit upset that that didn’t happen due to Julie leaving.