Mind The Gap

 In just 48 hours, we will be boarding a plane and be off to London. I remember when I first heard about this opportunity and I thought to myself, “Do I have a chance?” Then I thought, “Well, it can’t hurt to try.” So I decided to go to the informative meeting held on Tuesday, March 10th, 2015. After learning more about the program, everything in me wanted to be a part of it. 
On Tuesday, April 7th when I received that lovely email from Dr. J saying that I was one of the lucky students to be chosen, I was thrilled. Now just being two days away from take off, I have so many thoughts running through my mind. Will I forget anything? How much will it rain? What will the food taste like? And so much more… However, I have no doubt that this trip will be a great experience for all of us and one not to forget. 

In a couple of days, we will be roaming the streets of London and utilizing their underground subways where we will be told to “Mind the Gap”. 
I leave you with a picture of Hearst Castle, where my love for architecture and buildings first started. I have been there a handful of times and it never gets old to me. I encourage anyone who has not been, to go and experience it at least once. I guarantee you will not regret it. 