Missing London…

Well I’ve been back in the states for almost three full days now and let me tell you, jet lag is real! I’ve been sleeping more than I thought I would and at strange parts of the day but the trip to London was so worth it. I never thought I would have been lucky enough to travel in college while also getting credits for it. I can’t explain just how grateful I am for this opportunity. It isn’t everyday you get to travel out of the country, studying something you thoroughly enjoy, with a professor who is loved by all and students who you end up becoming close friends. 

My favorite part about this trip was getting to do both the touristy things while also experiencing some of what locals experience everyday. California doesn’t have much of a public transportation system, so getting to ride the underground everyday was quite the treat. The locals there are so used to the jam packed train and the heat radiating off of every body, it doesn’t phase them. 

It’s funny to see how different people are, the opinion I formed in just one week is that people from California are MUCH nicer than the people from London. Don’t get me wrong I did meet some wonderful locals over there and I would absolutely return to the gorgeous city. 

I can never express just how grateful I am for Channel Islands and all the amazing opportunities it offers it’s students. This London trip has taught me so much and showed me part of the world I didn’t think I’d get to explore. Dr. Jenkins, I can never put into words how thankful I am for you taking on all 15 of us and organizing such an amazing class.