Models Do Not Just Grace the Cover of Vogue…

I believe a role model is an individual that you look up to and try to emulate. It is someone who has a positive influence on you and pushes you to be better. It is someone you look at and think, “If they can do it, so can I!”

To me, a role model is an individual that is approachable, understanding, positive, helpful, knowledgeable, and open-minded. It is a person that will give you their undivided attention and will help you in anyway they can (or direct you to individuals who can assist you when they are at a loss).

Some of the differences between the behaviors I listed above and my own are that at times, I feel that I am not completely as understanding as I should be. I know individuals have the right to their own opinions and actions, but when I see that someone is doing something that will end up affecting them or others in a negative way, it is hard for me to understand their particular view. It is something I need to work at.

Actions that I can take to become a better role model are to practice my listening skills. I feel that this will slowly teach me to not immediately judge a person’s view or action that I particularly do not agree with. Instead, I will learn to step into their shoes and see why they feel the way they do. People have the right to their opinion and I have to learn to respect and understand them.