Module one was definitely a little overwhelming mainly i think because it was the first module so there was a lot of getting used to and getting the hang of mostly. The entire Module allowed us to understand Media, what media moments are. Media is portrayed in many ways, it exposes and is showing the world what the world wants to see.

A media moment like defined in the What is Media Literacy reading is described as, “Media literacy is the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. It’s the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media— from music videos and Web environments to product placement in films and virtual displays on NHL hockey boards. It’s about asking pertinent questions about what’s there, and noticing what’s not there. ” This module did just that, it allowed us to experience our own media moments and what we think media moments are, for example on mine i include the social media aspects, like twitter, instagram, snaptchat, and the importance of it, at the same time it could be harmful, such as exploitation, especially for the youth. Another great example of media moments was the Barnyard clip, and what it showed us, it showed us that we only see what they want us to see, for example the animals of the barn, when the owners are looking they are quiet, and when they aren’t they are them true selves, and so on and so forth. As well as with advertisements and the truth behind them.

I think that media is not stopping. Media is up and running all the times. Weather we want it to or not. Whether we want something to mean something, it is displayed as it is. Sometimes we express adds to be deceiving, as well as store sales, all to grad the buyers attention weather they are really knowledgeable about where there money may be going and if it is beneficial or not, media does this.