This week’s module was fun and interesting to me it was very engaging, something that I had already looked at before in a more detailed perspective, if that makes sense.

In the reading The inversion of Visibility Chapter six, there’s was something the author said that really stood out to me, which was “Perhaps the biggest problem that Americans are facing as a society is that we have a hard time believing in possibility, imaging that things could be otherwise.” This was very interesting to me because I always see things this way, that this may be that because we as a society allow it, things continue to be the way they are because society sees it that way, we know better, but we don’t think that there is anything that we can possibly do about it, so we continue to let it just be. This is a great example with all the ads that we were exposed to throughout this module, we see ads like these all the time, especially where the women is being sexualized. Women don’t like to be viewed as this, but instead of changing it, they continue to do the ads for reasons such as it pays them, it’s their job, whatever it may be.

The messages that are being portrayed are not really what women want to be viewed as or what the ads are trying to tell us aren’t really what is going to happen. I mean do we really think that if we wear dolce and Gabana, or spray a famous persons perfume on, we are going to get all this attention? I don’t think so. This falls back on what we also learned about the denotations and connotations of the ads, what we see and view, and what it really is telling you. The ads are very sexualized in the viewers eyes, and what the ads are really trying to possibly say and the way that they are displayed all the get the consumers buying their products, not cool! I think often times because of the way that the ads are displayed we don’t really give it the attention and time it should, we just see it as “it’s just another one of those ads. The steps for deconstructing an ad were described in this module as Making observations, and describing the ads with adjectives, determining the purpose of the ad (selling their products), determine the assumptions the AD & the messages it sends, and considering the possible consequences of these messages.

Which then falls into the five core concepts that we viewed this module as well, all media messages are ‘constructed,’ Media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules, different people experience the same media message differently, media have embedded values and points of view. Most media messages are organized to gain profit t and/or power. Which is a great example of the way we all viewed the Vikings track and field recap, some of us may have seen it as what it was just a recap of a meet, others deconstructed the ad and viewed it differently, and gave it more attention, I for example made it be sort of equal display for everyone, because just because one didn’t win first place doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be acknowledged and recognized like the first place winners, and gave them more of the attention they all deserved.