Module 4 Reflections

When watching the video, What is Culture?, by Terry Dugan, he states that culture is something that is learned. I agree with his statement because everyone learns a different culture through their family, friends, school, work, etc.. Although, we all have various individual cultures, Dugan discusses the melting pot and the idea that we, as a society, are becoming a dominant culture. Further, he discussed the eight elements of communication. Personally, what I found to be interesting is that there is noise that can block a certain audience from receiving the message, this noise is something that is personal.

Then, when reading Chapter 6 of Connecting Social Problems and Popular Cultures, I learned that many believe media to be linked to sex. Specifically, many believe that media has increased sexual activity within adolescents. But, Sternheimer knocks down this idea by explaining that the rate of high school students participating in sexual intercourse has decreased by 7% since 1991, and the use of condoms has increased by 13%. From this, Sternheimer is able to clearly argue that media is not linked to an increase in sexual activity within adolescents. Due to the mere fact that we see sex within media today because sex sells, I believe that society assumes sexual activity has increased because it is advertised more often.

Furthering my reading to Chapter 8 of Connecting Social Problems and Popular Cultures, I learned about obesity, anorexia, bulimia, and health hazards. Such as many linked sexual activity within adolescents to the media, many also link obesity to the media as well. People believe that media is responsible for obesity, due to the amount of time people spend watching TV. Sternheimer also explains the link found between eating disorders and magazines. Although, I do believe the images of the models within magazines can have an effect on both men and women, I do not believe that media is the direct link to eating disorders.