Module 5 Reflection

While reading Who Gets To Speak On Cable News, I learned that guest speakers were coded by race, gender, ethnicity, and occupation, as well as the relationship of follower guests. On Fox News, republicans were featured more then democrats. Looking into Fox News, I seemed to me that they are more of a in your face type of news. They want you to hear what they want you to hear instead of whats happening in the world. They were the only news station that was reporting different things that the other stations I flipped through. They like to cut people off when they are saying things Fox doesn’t approve of. I also learned that Fox news shows were mostly white and that male guests widely outnumbered women on every show. It was interesting.

Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs broke down many things that I was confused about in general. I learned that Liberals are more for equality and unity whole conservatives is more of a every man for themselves.  Going through each belief, it was eye opening because it was informative! It’s very interesting to see the beliefs of each category, because they are the opposites of each other. While reading them, I found myself going back and forth reviewing the pros and cons of each belief. I can say that I am in the middle of everything. It was investing an interesting to read and review but goes on in the beliefs of other peoples political views.

In Chapter 10, I learned that children continue to be the main focus of hyper-consumption fears. Children tend to be influential. Sternheimer brought to our attention the word “Kidfluence” from a Us News & World Report.  This word is said to mean that children have the power to influence their parents when it came to ‘purchasing decisions’. In my own household, that is true. Although, my sister and I are no longer considered kids, we still have an influence on our parents. they always tend to come to use for technical advise and we tend to push on them the different outputs were using whether it be a windows tablet or a mac iphone. We always influence their decision making. This can be because we are influenced by the media and the makers of the media messages. I enjoy my Iphone and always tend to upgrade when the newest one comes out. The media makers or the advertising can be the one to blame for me spending so much money on a phone, but it is I, who falls for the temptation and buys the materialistic item(s).


  1. Hart, Peter. “Who Gets to Speak on Cable News?” FAIR. N.p., 01 July 2014. Web. 27 June 2016. <>.
  2. “Conservative vs. Liberal Beliefs.” Student News Daily Conservative vs Liberal Beliefs Comments. Student News Daily, 2010. Web. 27 June 2016. <>.
  3. Sternheimer, K. (2013). Consumption and Materialism. In Connecting social problems and popular culture: Why media is not the answer (2nd ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press (245-271).