This module focused a lot on news media, and what the news may or may not provide to us. In the slides that professor Tollefson, one of the quotes listed was “not everything you see on the news is newsworthy, and not everything newsworthy is on the news” (Radford, 2003, p.67). A lot of the things that we think should be on the news aren’t being put on the news, and a lot of the things that are on the news aren’t, like Radford, “newsworthy”. We tend to focus more on what the audience wants to hear then on what we need to hear.

A lot of the news channels that we watch are limited to the kind of people who are telling us the news, and who is watching the news. Like we did on our assignment on watching news and defining what race was in the news, the audience, and so on and so forth, on “Who gets to Speak on cable news?”, they as well conducted a study that found that CNN news found that eighty four percent of guest were white, and that the most and least diverse shows in terms of ethnicity were both on MSNBC. Which was a lot of the information that I found when I was going through my news channels, the majority of them were white, I saw very few Latinos, and mostly men were the main ones, but I did find that there was more women who were telling the weather, men still outnumbering though. There is definitely a lack of diversity in the media.

In The news Bias, part 2 I found something that I always questioned. Which was when news programs use things such as “fear, fear of harm” they say things such as Violence in the schools: Is your child safe? A special report every parent must see. Tonight at eleven”. What I never knew was that the media actually profits from this because it gets people to tune into their channels to give them the views that they needs, especially because chances are that the audience doesn’t want to tune in that late, especially to watch the news.