
This week in survivor, everyone is on their toes after alliances were openly betrayed last week. During the immunity challenge, Jeff pries into their temptation with food. Wes falls easily into that trap, picking the chicken wings over the immunity idol. He doesn’t seem to have a sense of competence when deciding his strategy since he gives in to the food temptation instead of striving for that immunity idol. Thus affecting him in the end as he gets voted off.

Last week we saw how Jon didn’t choose to vote toward the common goal the group had set with their sense of progress; instead he voted off who was probably his toughest competitor. This causes rife in this week because there is no longer trust between the remaining survivors. Jon proves yet again his leadership and power when maintaining everyone’s opinion on who goes next. We saw him early in the season talk early and often while still listening to the other survivors, he knew his game plan going in therefore being more knowledgeable and he offers his opinion when it comes down to strategic decision-making. He seems to definitely have the power in the game.

Stay tuned!