My blog 2015-11-02 01:21:40

I had the opportunity to see Santa Rosa Island from different perspectives. Three different faculty members taught me how they do there research on the island as well as why it’s important. What caught my attention was the fact that these three different researchers were able to do there different research on the same island. This taught me how everything is intertwine with each other. As different as the research was it was still some what similar to each other. For example without the research that the three faculty members do the island would not be recognized by the wonderful things its known now. I see it as a puzzle and everything that is found contributes the next discovery and all these discoveries depict what the island was years ago and how it became what it is now. With this being said in a more broader perspective research found on the island and having everything recorded demonstrates how the weather is changing since that’s a big topic now a days. I just went from speaking of the researchers to what there research means to how it applies to everything in the world.
Everything overlaps in many ways, one simple thing is that the three researchers use nature as there laboratory. The first researcher that talked to us spoke of the history of the Island. Of how there was different generations who lived there. The records of the past can help the other two researchers as a place to start there own research. The bird researcher can know how the bird species has been helping the environment and how it changed it. I know that some of the animals and the plants that are on the island are not native they were brought to the island different ways one of those ways could be by birds transporting them. Seeds could have easily attached to the birds and now they are at the island. Other animals is hard to explain how they got there but at least that part of the puzzle has been solved. The second researcher that talked to us was a more creative one. He used art as a way to research. He captured picture of the island in different perspectives. There are picture carvings in the caves on the island. The carvings are a way in which people before us captured a moment in time then. Now It’s a lot different people take pictures or let nature take pictures like this researcher does. People can compare the pictures from the past to the present ones to better understand the island. The island itself is art, the mountains have molded themselves in a very artistic way. For example if you see the different layers of the mountains it means something it tells a story.
A good activity to combine these different subjects of nature would be by telling a story within a painting of birds. This would speak of the history which is what we learned as well as bring birds in the picture since it is something else we learned. Painting a drawing would incorporate what the third researcher is which is graphic design.
Overall these three researchers did not only show me what they are interested in but also how everything is similar in so many ways.