My blog 2015-11-10 23:54:59

As the challenge remains the same, I’ve came to a realization. For weeks now I have been attempting to come up with a way for me to be good, even great at being a good participator in my social issue. This Syrian refugee crisis has been one of the worst in history, and here we are living peacefully. For me to come to this realization I had to sit and think of what my true passion is. I like to consider myself an artist and love photography.
Normally I use my Instagram to display photos I’ve took and places I’ve gone. I’ve never used it to be active on a particular social issue. This week, I decided to do so.
I did this for the reason that I looked for something that has been a part of me for so long, and mixing it with something that is currently happening in the world.
I’ve always wanted to travel and capture many scenes.
It’s so interesting to me how this Transfer Year class assignment has engaged me and motivated me to even consider traveling to make this issue known much more tha it currently is. We live, in peace. We have a place we can call home. Unfortunately it is not the same for these refugees stacked in camps with low resources.
If it were our families we would do anything in our power for that injustice to end. We may not to do the same in this case, but I strongly encourage all to try. Anything helps, from simply #UNiV349DCspreading the word on this issue.