My Contribution to Social Media

So this week we are supposed to engage in some sort of social media, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, or what have you. The way we are supposed to engage is by commenting on the topic or commenting on something someone else said on the page of what ever we chose.  We could also share the page on our social media cites to see what our friends say about the topic.

I chose to use the World Health Organization because I have been using this site in my last posts and have come some what familiar with the page. I noticed that they post images of their next project based on the date. For example their last post was polio. Oct 23 is international polio day. So for the last couple of days they put posts about polio and what people can do around the world.

This time I am going to put a post. I asked a question: What can I do to help in the U.S California? (I say this because they are based in Switzerland). Interestingly enough, my post was not visible on their page. Instead what I got was a post up that said “we will review your post”; indicating that I can’t just post something on their web page. My question is who is getting blocked from their page besides just me. So far the only way I can interact with this organization is by commenting on something they already have on their wall. I find this not very interactive at all…

Here’s the link! Try and see if you can see my comment.