My Digital Footprint

When I went to look at my digital foot print I was a bit nervous. The reason being, I was worried about what I might find. Not that there was anything that I would be embarrassed about or incriminating. I was more worried about people finding information about myself that I would consider private. To my relief there was nothing too personal that I could get all worked up about. The only main thing that a person could find on myself on the internet is my instagram account, which I don’t keep private. So to me, that was not a big deal. There was also a record of my income from my previous job. This was also not a big deal because they had all the student workers income posted online as well. There was only one post from Facebook that I was mentioned in, but that was only because I had liked a post. When I looked up images of my name there was a picture of me that I found. It was an old picture from my Confirmation. It had been associated with Myspace. Thinking it was from a friend or relative that had tagged me I went to investigate. In my findings I actually found that it was my old account. I immediately went to delete my account so as to not have anyone see pictures of me on the internet. To my surprise there were not that many pictures left on my account, but anyone could look up my name on images in Google and find me. This I was not comfortable with, so I deleted my old Myspace account. Not to mention I hadn’t used my Myspace account since I was in 8th grade.