My digital footprint

I was definitely very anxious to find out what things are out in the internet. When i googled my name, I was pleased to find that there wasn’t too alarming about myself. Although I did find something embarrassing, my old MySpace account. I hadn’t seen it in years. I went to my site and went straight to deleting it. But before that, I saved a few pictures I had uploaded there that weren’t saved anywhere else. There were a few good memories. Mostly old pictures with friends. As soon as they were saved, I waisted no time in looking through it. I didn’t want to relive those middle days again.

A few other links that popped up on the google search were Facebook and Twitter. I rarely use Facebook. Maybe even only to check birthday comments every year. Facebook started to bore me and I even deactivated it for about a year at one point. I don’t need to read about drama and gossip for people I no longer talk too. I think the reason I still have it is to stay in touch with family. Especially those who live in Mexico.

The only social media site I still use frequently is Instagram. I love photography and Instagram is a perfect place to share my photos. I like to share where I like to spend my free time. Most of the time outdoors. I recently even deleted all of my pictures for a fresh start. Although there wasn’t a particular reason to do so, it felt very nice.

I am more aware of the dangers of posting things online. I will be more conscious about what I post.