My Digital Footprint Audit

The digital footprint audit was an exercise that I have performed before on my own. Nevertheless I was able to find some new things out that I had not seen in my previous searches. My name is very unique and although there are people out there with a similar name there isn’t really anyone with the exact spelling of my name. When I type in my first and last name there are a few things that come up. One of them being a picture from my facebook referencing where I went to high school. This was a little strange to me due to the fact that I didn’t think that my highschool and my social media sites were connected but I guess that shows how much I know about the internet. These pictures were in the web part of my search. When I went to the images I noticed that there were pictures on there that I had taken with my phone and a lot of them were of my good friend Daniel who almost passed away due to a really bad motorcycle accident last year. This was strange because I thought that I had only backed up my phone to my computer but I guess some pictures have leaked out for the public to see. When I went to the news section of my search I was reminded of a guinness book world record I had set at x games 16 in 2010. I had a feeling that this was going to show up but I found it under very different circumstances than the previous times I have searched for it. This is why I printed out a part of it to bring and share with the class.

There was also some pictures and connections to previous semester at santa barbara city college where I had done some assignments for several online classes with a group and their names and pictures showed up as well. The teachers to those online classes were conned to my name assignments and tools we had used throughout the semester. Last but not least there were a few videos of some biking and snowboarding that I had made years ago and those were very easy to access and view. When I typed in my name in parentheses I noticed that there were a lot of connections to the misspelling of my last name and when I typed it in with social media sites they were right there and easy to view. All in all this assignment showed me that it can be really scary having your name out there on the internet so easily accessible for anyone to view. This is why we must be careful on what we share with the world for safety and so that we have a great chance at getting that dream job in the future.