My Online Existence

Hello again,

Have you ever searched for yourself on the internet? I thought it would have been a lot more painful but surprisingly besides my old myspace page from my teens. That’s the only unattractive thing I’ve found online of myself, in my opinion. But I also found other social media cites that I’m a part of,some things ive never heard of, and friends pages I’m linked to.

Finding myspace was a bit surprising because I thought I had deleted it at least Twice! It was filled with great pictures of me and my older sister, of my friend and I, and pictures I had taken for digital photography. It also had posts on music I used to listen to. Those were really good times but lets face facts, times change. As you’ve heard, “out with the old and in with the new”; voila emerges facebook. I had gotten too old for myspace so it became obsolete. It reminds me of the 90s in the sense why would you ware some old out dated thing you wore then? Of course unless it was revamped and modernized to accommodate the new era and it did that but for the teens after me. That was the first social thing I ever did besides creating an email address. But everyone moves on from that.

Other things I found were my facebook page, twitter account, a job site for caregivers I had added myself on, a job site, and a link to my friends page. Those things weren’t too surprising but I did find a mylife page. I have no idea what that was but I’m assuming I made it? I’m not too sure about that page but no matter.  I came to conclude my life online isn’t half as bad as I had expected.