My poster is finished!

This week I put the final touches on my poster for the Sage conference, now its time to finish my paper.  I have been working on my paper in sections throughout the year and have my introduction and methods finished.  Now it’s  time for the meat of the paper, the results and discussion.   It is going to be a long hard struggle the next two weeks as I finish up my paper and make sure it is at a professional level.  The end is in sight and it will be nice to take a well deserved break after all this work I have put in.


I also had some encouragement from my research adviser, who said that he would like me to publish my paper.  He suggested that I combine my paper with Evangeline Forster’s paper who did the same common garden experiment but with Torrey pines.  If we decide to go this route it will mean another long year of research and writing but it will be worth it if we get a publication in the end.