My Presence On The Open Web

What is my presence on the open web? This is a question I’ve never thought of finding the answer to. I’ve never even thought of my own presence on the web. Through this technology course, my eyes have been opened to my involvement on the open web and my interactions with others. My involvement on the web has not been more evident to me than through the many interactions I have begun to engage in with others through my recently developed Twitter.

Visit my Twitter account at On Twitter I have been exposed to new ideas, new information and people’s thoughts on ideas I’ve already been exposed to. The web has so much space available for everyone to share their ideas and opinions that it can be intimidating to find your own voice and put it out there. This is something I am still struggling with but feel that I am developing every day.  This blog is helping me by giving me a place to present my ideas and opinions freely. I have been able to view others’ blogs to help me see what I should be doing. Most of the time when I think about writing a blog post my brain is just full of so much I don’t know where to even begin writing so anything I say is comprehensible. I think this image sufficiently describes how most of us feel our brains are acting the majority of the time.  :)

I’m excited to continue learning through my interactions with others and exploring the various learning opportunities the web has to offer. The connections I am already making and ideas I am being exposed to are ever evolving and to me, are perfect depictions of what web presence is all about. I look forward to interacting and learning with you through the various portals on the open web!