My Reflection Blog

Hello everyone,

It has been an absolute pleasure for me working and getting to know everyone in Jaimie’s  BLPP’s class. I have learned a lot and hope to implement some valuable ideas and tips. Above all, I finish this course with a deeper understanding of the differences between teaching F2F and blended courses, not only as an instructor but also as a student. Jaimie’s patience, prompt replies to all my questions and her deadline extensions have reminded me of the importance of being more flexible and understanding with students’ problems and frustrations. I have also appreciated her constant reminders of due dates, her clear  instructions and organizational style. Thanks, Jaimie! I am sorry that you are leaving us :( Good luck in your future job at USC! Also, a special thanks to Kristi and the FIT Studio staff for their invaluable help. I enjoyed our meals :)

Among the new tools that I learned in this course that I really like are Movenote, Populr and Canva. I am planning on using these tools in my blended course in the Fall. I wish I would have had more time to do a better job in this course (I think we all do!). I am looking forward to teaching my very first blended course and continue learning more about teaching online.

Have a great summer!
