Nepal Earthquake

A 7.8 earthquake recently devastated the country of Nepal. On Saturday, April 25th, a 7.8 earthquake struck 48 miles northwest of the capital of Katmandu. Numerous aftershocks rocked the country with the highest aftershock registering a 6.8. the earthquake was also felt in India and Tibet.Over 1800 people are known to be dead, with just under 5,000 injured and the figures are expected to rise dramatically as search efforts continue.  This earthquake triggered an avalanche on Mt Everest killing at least 17 people there and many others are thought to be stranded. The capital was one of the worst hit areas as many of the building were built with unreinforced brick or crushed stone and many people were hit with flying debris. Many of the country’s medical facilities were rendered inoperable by the large earthquake. Additionally, the capital’s water system is thought to be contaminated. These are two major barriers to providing health care to the survivors. Additionally, due to the large death toll the number of healthcare workers can be assumed to be substantially decreased. The U.S. embassy has already given 1 million dollars to aid in disaster relief along with sending a response team. Australia and the Asian Investment Bank has also given millions in aid. The government of Nepal is asking for medical supplies as well as aid workers to help in the after math. The economy of this country is very much dependent upon tourism. This can be expected to have a large negative impact on their economy. Imagining being a healthcare provider during a natural disaster such as this is hard to imagine but should be a reality for all of us that live here in California. Overcoming obstacles such as lack of supplies, clean water, electricity, and mass injuries and fatalities are common problems after earthquakes. While California has endeavored to become prepared for earthquakes there are still many areas that are unprepared. Additionally, I believe there is only so much preparation a country can do while mother nature can wreak havoc no matter those preparations.


Williams, C. J., Makinen, J. & Rai, B. (2015, April, 25). Nepal quake kills over 1,800. Los Angeles Times pp. A1 & A6.