New and significant information

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Over the course of these few past week is have, been investigation  the personal letters of Senator Harlod Bizz Johnson. The importance that these journals bring  are very significant, and shows the mind set of the average every day citizen felt towards the war efforts in the early 70’s late 60 ‘s of the  cold war.

Through out the cold war many  politician had their ideas of the spread democracy and the way it’s influences should be  spread.  Senator Harlod Bizz Johnson back round showed hoed his former employment shaped his way of thinking later in his career:  Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and also serves he served on the Budget, Foreign Relations, and Commerce, Science and Transportation committee.

The justification  that this document gives is one of a western idea, of how  manifest destiny effects lower income countries and that the  idea of  capitalism  and the inevitable success that it brings tromps over the methods of the  idealism of socialism