New Family Dynamic

When I first started reading chapter seven I was having a hard time taking the content seriously. The chapter discussed how Teens were choosing to get pregnant due to shows like Teen Mom and The Secrete Life of the American Teenager. I think if anything these shows depicted the hardships that come along with being a teenage mother and how having sex is an adult activity that can lead to adult consequences. Just like the chapter we read on violence due to media, I do not believe that teenage pregnancy or divorce rates have anything to do with what people are seeing in the media. I think that those type of lifestyle chooses are due to peoples own decisions and that by seeing how glamours it is to be a divorced parent in no way will make someone want to go out and file for divorce. I can understand concerns that parents may have about media  (as shown in the New York Times video) but I believe that just watching a television program or listening to a specific song will not change the values a child holds dear nor will it make a teenager want to go out and have a baby. I think that children learn by example and the best example they have is their parents.