No electronics!

This weekend I attempted to go 24 hours without any electronics (emphasis on the word attempted). I was only able to go about 5 hours without picking up and using my cell phone or laptop. Most of this time was spent reading and studying. I found this challenging because I don’t live with my family and most of my friends live too far away to see on a daily basis. For me this cell phone connection to the ones I love is important. I don’t think I could go 24 hours without texting or calling my mother. I do acknowledge the importance of “being disconnected” when the situation is appropriate.

I only ever use my cell phone in clinical to look up medications or send quick messages to my instructor. There is always a time and place to be on ones cell phones and during patient interaction this should NEVER be the case.

I paid special attention to other’s using their cell phones, laptops, iPads, etc. this weekend and found that their use was seen everywhere. I went to the grocery store and noticed people talking on their cell phones or texting when at the checkout line instead of interacting with the cashier or even those around them. I thought this activity was interesting and wish to be able to complete it one day.