

I guess this website is good at outlining exactly what the sexualization of girls is. This is nothing new to me, so I am just going to point out my favorite parts.

“Both male and female peers have been found to contribute to the sexualization of girls — girls by policing each other to ensure conformance with standards of thinness and sexiness (Eder, 1995; Nichter, 2000) and boys by sexually objectifying and harassing girls.”

This is what feminism is about, it is about letting women do what they want and that is why it needs more followers. When there is a standard and both sexes are constantly policing it, you are setting women up for failure.

Girls also sexualize themselves when they think of themselves in objectified terms. Yes, this is why it is horrible that we continue to talk and act the way we do. Girls objectify girls all the time. They talk in a way that led men think its okay to talk and act that way as well.

The study with women wearing a sweater or swim suit is very interesting. This proves that women worry too much about their appearance. The ideas that girls form when they are little definitely effect them when they are older.

“Organized religious and other ethical instruction can offer girls important practical and psychological alternatives to the values conveyed by popular culture”…. why does it have to be religious based?

More people need to be aware of these ideals. i just find it so hard that people are so blindly unaware, but I see this first hand. I should be able to  process this with my experience with morons.. but…

What do parents do- You have to talk to your children about it. Many parents are clueless this theory exists at all and therefor no family discussions arise. You also need to express it to your significant other too! I am constantly showing and conducting theories on the sexualization of women with my boyfriend. This concept is so new and many adults didn’t have the chance to learn at home. It is up to us to teach each other.

I HATE when people talk about LETTING their daughter, girlfriend or whomever wear a certain outfit. She can wear whatever she wants it shouldn’t be able what you allow her to do… but on the website it makes a great point in talking about what girls are wearing. Instead of making it about boys staring or what isn’t “appropriate” talk about why it isn’t practical. With tv it is better to explain why they can’t watch or listen to something instead of saying no, and them becoming curious.

What girls can do- speak up!! When someone does something that is uncalled for say something, I DO ALL THE TIME. If i hear someone say or do something that is negative for women, ill say your being sexist, your disgusting, or stop your not helping women. lol. Be you, wear what you want .. we all want to wear pajamas or work out clothes in my case lol. Don’t worry about what others think and speak up for women when you can !

The websites

They weren’t what I was expecting.. they don’t address the problem ay hand. They pretend that there is no problem to begin with. .. two of the websites didn’t even load.

This website is the best:


“I can’t get no satisfaction” and “let me put my love into you” is a million times BETTER than any rap music, rap music says it straight out they use the actual words … at-least rock is metaphorical!! I am surprised that the comic book thing has not come up since the 50s. So comics went into change but music can’t change? Is it because it has a better demographic. Making a warning label is stupid. The point is that the music is made with the lyrics that it is made with. I think people can tell if it was explicit or not. Nobody sees that label and goes oh this is explicit!? we know its explicit!