November 16

Well first I would like to say that I had never Ron English and of all the artist we were introduced too and saw their work his stood out to me more. As we all know billboards have a huge Impact on delivering messages to our society. I like the way he contradicts Mc Donald’s those  are my favorite because many Americans eat their every morning including myself. The only issue I have is that because their done illegally that gives a lot of people the room to say oh he’s a rebel he puts up those ads on billboards companies rent. my fear of this issue is because many are ignorant and although their teens or children might see the billboard and start to digest the message. parents can be quick to point out the fact that he does it illegally therefore is dismisses a enough of his credibility to were some might dismiss his message altogether because we teach are kids to do things the right way. This is just my opinion and something I’ve seen done in my life. However, looking past that issue I  see artist like Ron as fearless heroes because they have no fear of going to jail to spread a message that others may fear to make them un popular. The TRUTH tobacco ads worked so I know that billboards have an enormous impact on todays youth.