November 16 Ch 9 Blog

I agree with the fact that most adults are smokers, drinkers and addicts as compared to teens. Its also interesting to me that the study that was done in teens smoking didn’t release that fact and only what they wanted. unless a person knows how to read articles and what too look for its easy to be satisfies the  info they release to society. The influence that media has is still the same however, there’s way more education on all 3 topics and awareness campaigns. When I was in elementary in the 90’s all we had was the D.A.R.E program on drugs. it was only a 4 page little comic book and red string that read Drug Free on are fence that’s it!! Today’s youth see’s meth, heroin, smoking and drinking real life examples and stories which I do believe help them. Because a lot of teens are fixated on looks and their image and losing your teeth to meth is not the business nor is them turning yellow. I know not all but, in my experience the cycle starts at home within the family. Family doesn’t have to be addicts to produce addicts alcoholism is big  in families and that can lead a teen to drugs so when a family  says no one does drugs well do they drink or take pills maybe even over eat? As for movies yeah it has influence HELLO Star Wars fans, Harry Potter, Lord Of   the Rings. Anything can spark a phenomenon. but I have yet to see 20,000 teens showing up to Smoking Con or dressed as a butt. ( Get it) LOL! I believe that poverty has something to do with people smoking because their stressed or don’t give a shit about their health they got other problems. Now the drinking well once again your environment has a lot to do with you chances of drinking. Parents can have a liquor cabinet and well dang it some of their stash may get drank it’s life. When kids see their family do it they cant wait till their 21 to join especially if drinking is a part of birthdays, holidays, promotions, bar b q’s let’s face it how many teens have seen that person get wasted at the wedding and everyone laughs like nothing was wrong. Hell  my friend I’m always with in class  was breakdancing at her sisters wedding not to long ago. LOL! The authors should go to AA meetings and ask open addicts and alcoholics about their experience and record that!  It’s the same for drug use but the pill takeover I don’t know I got addicted after my weight loss surgery last June  and am coming up on 9 months clean from them it just happened so fast. So I feel for teens because it seems harmless taking a pill especially if their prescribed. But let’s face it teens get it from their parents or grandparents medicine cabinets. I trukt believe if family’s locked up their medicine cabinets it would make a change. Or throw your old bottle of Vicadin away shit go to the doctors if you need more but a lot of people like having a few just in case so they don’t have to make an appointment or go to the E.R maybe they don’t have insurance either way  how has that worked for them?