November 23

I’d like to start this one strong because I have so much to say on how disappointing it truly is to not only learn about new things in media concerning youth. But the  fact of processing the information, and how we as Communication majors will use our education to make a difference. I agree that today’s youth is so caught up with Jordan’s, I phones  and Michael Kors etc,, I believe social media and society paly a big role but also the parents. when parents like to live up o an image so do their kids that’s were they learn it from and that’s who buys it for them first. second since our generations didn’t have a lot of those things many parents say” I want to give my kids  everything I couldn’t have” they mean it not knowing the harm it causes the kids. in today’s society your not cool if you don’t have swag or have the latest. Only kids who I’ve seen with self confidence could gives a rats behind about what others think. That’s a humbled child who has had   an experience in life that truly showed them that materialistic things don’t mean crap. now there’s also teenagers who work hard to provide for themselves what their parents couldn’t and they can also lose track of what is important. also if you didn’t have much growing up you can get stuck as an adult trying to make up for what you never had but nothing can feel that void at some point help is needed it becomes an obsession.  Sternheimer also talks about the environment when she states that electronics can be” luring  young people  away from things that really matter and destroying  the environment” (248)? all these devices the youth and adults buy that have battery acid and other bad things for our planet have to go somewhere and nowadays kids change gadgets like they change their bed sheets once or twice a month once the new I phone comes out they upgrade to the next and so do their parents its embaressing to see how blind our society has become I am also guilty of such madness.