November 9th

let me begin by saying this is by far the most interesting article thus far. I’m intrigued because we as communication major,s are learning daily still the influences media has on not only ourselves but, on the younger generations behind us. As I’m reading the article I’m blown away when it says something like  studies have not  documented the relationship between media literacy and food advertising.What! As we know media literacy for children will help them identify what and why commercials are being targeted towards them. It can also educate them that child hood obesity is serious and that they as children are at great risk. At some pint these kids might be shopping with their parents and say ” they package that box of cereal like that because..” kids are sponges and if we teach them they will learn. I think if there is no evidence that it’s working then someone isn’t  teaching it right. I believe that we must continue to early  educate the youth on media  literacy. If some parents aren’t willing to be mindful of what junk they buy their kids then at least kids can help themselves by knowing that they are the target of companies wanting to make profit and don’t care about them being obese. I understand blame is put on the parents but their are so many factors of why childhood obesity happens but the choice is made when we buy those non nutritional items at the store and then continue to go eat at fast food because the house hold is tired fro a long day at work. I buy lots of fruit and my daughter loves it.