NRS 420 Group Communication Homework

State a team name, letter of your group (A-F), and describe the reason the name was chosen:

Group 1 consists of:  Brittany Brown, Marylou Fulton, Julia Greiner, Alissa Pang

Team Name: “The Fiery Synapses”

We chose this team name because we are the means by which the information and knowledge on the chapters for The Nervous System will be “fired off” and communicated to the rest of the class:)

Meeting time(s) and location(s) for the duration of the semester:

Presentation Date: 4/29/15

Skype meeting dates…

Feb 13, 20, 23, 27

Mar 6, 12, 27

Apr 3, 10, 24

Role of each group member (Are there roles? Or delegated tasks?):

The Nervous System section will be divided as follows:

Chapter 21: Marylou

Chapte 22: Brittany

Chapter 23 Part 1: Alissa or Julia

Chapter 23 Part 2: Julia or Alissa

Each group member will be responsible for doing their part but will also take part in looking over the entire project as a whole before project is finalized.

Who will lead each meeting each meeting? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

We will rotate the leadership role. Each member will lead at least one meeting.

Who will take minutes and record action items? If you will rotate, detail how this will occur?:

The team leader will be responsible for taking the minutes and record action items. They will record what goes on during the meeting they lead.

What will your process be for dealing with group members who miss meetings or who are late? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

This group will discuss any issues that arise one-on-one first (with the group leader) and if problems persist, we will discuss the issue as a group.

What will your process be for dealing with distractions (side bar conversations, cell phone conversations, etc.) during a meeting? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?

This group will discuss any issues that arise one-on-one first (with the group leader) and if problems persist, we will discuss the issue as a group.

What will your process be for decision making? If you decide on a consensus vote, what will your process be for making a decision if consensus cannot be reached?:

We will collaborate as a group to make decisions. If a consensus cannot be met, we will use a Randomizer/Numerator machine to come to a conclusion.

What will your process be for dealing with team member who does not fulfill his or her team assignment(s)? How will you address first time offense and repeat offenses? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?:

If a group member is not fulfilling their role, the whole group will get together to discuss the issue.

What will your process be for resolving conflict within the group? Will the discussion happen one-on-one or as a group?:

This group will discuss any issues that arise one-on-one first (with the group leader) and if problems persist, we will discuss the issue as a group.

List any other applicable group norms that your group committed to

-As a group, we will touch base at least once a week to “check in” with each other.

-We will support each other! If one or some of us fall behind, we will not blame, but pick up the slack if need be.

-We have to keep our eyes on the mission at hand.  But, we also need to be responsible for each of our parts.

-Each group member will be forthright and transparent with fellow group members about any personal struggles we may be dealing with that may be hindering the progress of the project.

-We will not have a culture of blame.

-We will assess the situation and collaborate as a group on how to move forward if issues arise.

First and Last Name of all group members:

Brittany Brown

Marylou Fulton

Julia Greiner

Alissa Pang

Signature of all group members:

All members of the Fiery Synapses have convened regarding these topics and are in accordance with the contents of this assignment.