NRS 420 – Utilizing Technology to Enhance Learning

Utilizing technology to enhance learning is integral to the current age and to the nursing profession. Remaining static in a world of forward thinking and movement only hurts those who resist.

I am a senior nursing student looking forward to graduating in May. This being said, I have finally mastered all that Blackboard has to offer and was looking forward to our last semester being (technologically) simple. However, this week, my class and I learned that our Nursing 420 (Critical Care) would be full of new technology. This course will be interactive, with a class website and individual websites for each student, and we will be expected to blog our experiences.

At first, I was very hesitant and nervous to embark on this journey as I am not very “techy” although I understand the importance of expanding my technological abilities. In recent years, medical facilities have been transitioning from paper charts to electronic medical records. Being a nursing student during this time, I have seen many nurses struggle with the transition and the ones who succeed seem to be the ones who embrace the transition and see it as a beneficial and positive change. While transitioning to an interactive, online class may be difficult, I am going to try to embrace the change and make the most of this experience.