Nursing 420 Likes and Dislikes

First off, I am very excited to be starting the last semester of nursing school! The past 3 years have seriously flown by, and part of me cannot believe that we are so close to graduating. It seems like we were all just sitting in our first pathophysiology class, excited but overwhelmed with all of the work ahead of us. When it was first announced that we would be making our own blogs and that the set-up of this class would be using different technology, at first I was a little hesitant because we have grown used to using the usual Blackboard, PowerPoint presentations, and discussion boards. Now we will be using something else entirely? However I really like the idea of being able to use this site not only for required blogs but as something we could use to create a professional image of ourselves. It also makes the discussion assignments more fun when we are able to use some creativity on our web pages.

I also really like the potential for the group project, as it is vastly different from any project we have done before. We get to create a whole patient scenario with not only their disease but their past medical history, their home life, and other real-life issues. I think this assignment is one that will truly help us put together everything we have learned through past clinicals and really get us to see the big picture of the person, which we will have to do every day in nursing.  The only dislike of the course I can say would be that only knowing of homework/reading assignments one week at a time might make it difficult to plan far ahead, but I do think it will help us focus more on the present and not get overwhelmed.

Lastly here is a picture of some heart rhythms for fun: