Nursing 420: Likes and Dislikes


CSUCI Nursing Cohort 2015 (Back in 2012)


Being familiar with some of the technical terms in this website, I am excited to share my future experiences and learn about the experiences of my peers. This class has a lot to offer and I am willing to learn as much as I can before I graduate this semester. Stepping inside the realm of technology, I would like to share my likes and dislikes about this course.

One of the things I like about this course is the fact that we are getting the opportunity to actually use technology for our own learning. This is a new way for us to further enhance our knowledge and skills in this field. Being in nursing informatics during my leadership rotation last semester, I was astonished by the type of work that nurses dealt with. This included working on the back end of the system to make sure that nurses in the front end were able to efficiently use the system when caring for patients (charting system, medication reconciliation, etc.). Much like these nurses, we will be working on the back end of our system so that we can make sure that others can view our experiences and work through the front end. Another thing that I like about this course is that information is readily available online, which can also be updated with just a few clicks. Lastly, technology will also provide us with a new way of learning, which we will use in our future endeavors.

While technology is supposed to make life easier, it is not always user friendly. I was already lost trying to navigate around this website, which I already expected. Working in the president’s office at CSUCI, I work on the back end of the website and I have experienced much frustration in editing the pages. However, this comes with anything new and I am willing to learn through future experiences. Another thing that I dislike about this course is that we will have problems with using technology in our future projects and homework assignments. As I have learned, not everything will look how I want it to look the first time. However, I am willing to learn from my mistakes and help my peers. Furthermore I am excited for what this semester has to offer! Here is a short video to help motivate us through our last semester: