Nursing401 Digital technology and healthcare

As with any aspect in nursing, technology can be effectively used if utilized in the appropriate manners and can benefit in patient care and safety. I think that healthcare professionals should be open to change and embrace technology, because that is the direction that the healthcare field has already taken. Those who are not flexible to adapt to these changes will be faced with struggles in the future.

An example that comes to mind involves the use of paperless charting and electronic physician orders at the facility that I currently work at. A few years ago, these changes were implemented at my hospital. Yes, it was a struggle to adapt and with any new changes there were hiccups in the process along the way. But eventually, we collectively reached out goal of paperless charting, electronic medication administration, and physician-entered orders. These changes help promote patient safety because of safeguarding against medication errors, and reducing the risks of incorrect orders via telephone or verbal orders. Charting is also more effective and easier to manage.

Another use of technology that promotes patient well-being is the increasing access to their own medical records. Patients can have access to their laboratory values, diagnostic exams, and have electronic methods of contacting their care providers with questions and follow up information.