October 12

“It distracts us from knowing too much about the way American society is structured, being too aware of social problems that might seem boring in the face of so much other interesting stuff out there to pay attention” (73). Yes, we society is engulfed in materialistic possessions and media. For starters, the UGG fascination. We were all so wrapped up in the fad and cute they were and cozy they felt. Everyone was wearing them and they just looked like a great fashion staple. Once you open your eyes to what goes on behind the scenes at this factory, you will throw up (if you are a decent human being). This goes for so many things on the media, we are blind to the reality. How many citizens actually know about the refuge crisis right now? The internet has definitely increased knowledge for the public. Television does dumb down the public only in the case that it doesn’t promote cognitive thinking so your brain starts to “fall asleep”.


Honestly, for kids to be affected so highly by television for it to be a problem they have to be watching large amounts of television; It is kind of ridiculous.

This chapter basically says that adults are more likely to abuse television than children, way to set an example.

Honestly I feel like my brain is working harder when I am multi-tasking. It takes more work for you to say write this blog and listen to a song. It takes more energy to write and essay and watch a show than to just watch the essay. I feel like my brain works more when I multi-task.