October 19, 2015

I have always thought that it was odd to connect video game violence with actual violence. It is just like the gun war going on right now, taking guns away from everyone is not the solution. Why dont we just teach our children that just because there is violence in a game doesn’t mean thats how real life is. Gosh that would be really hard to teach huh>? (sarcasm). October

I was surprised to see a decline in crime rates. Comparing the bodo doll to a video game, just makes no sense. It is a CARTOON, obviously if you watch a literal human being beat up another or shoot another a lot in your lifetime, yes you may do the same. If you watch a cartoon do it, what mode in your brain says it is okay for you to do it?

As far as Lionel, he was subjected to jail way to early in life and I BELIEVE THAT is why the path he took, was the one he chose. It is also interesting that when talking about the media we keep thinking were talking about children and teens but we keep being reminded that the vast majority of consumers for television is an older age than we thought and the average age for video gamers is 37 (122). We don’t know if they will make sense of the content (123). <<Here is another topic I will never understand. The human is watching this or listening to a song and they aren’t really WATCHING IT OT LISTENING TO IT, because they aren’t reading into it or thinking about it.. how in the world does that happen?

Online Article

Children definitely learn ALL stereotypes from television not just ones about race. That is why if we EVER want to change the perception and stereotypes of GENDER and race we have to start with media. It just boils down to good parenting and how much of an impact that has on how your child reads the world.