October 19th

The ereserve article “Marketing Violence: The Special Toll on Children of Color”  had several interesting points.  For one it talked about “glamorized violence” in video games and that entertainment violence affects different children in different ways. The article talked a lot about the mindset children have at this time, but did not speak so much about parental involvement which many of our other posts say is vital to the future behavior of a child.  The article said that children are vulnerable and cannot make logical connection which proves the point that parents need to be there during those times of vulnerability. A part of the article I liked the most didn’t deal with racial depictions or the negative impacts violence has on low income family children. The part that interested me the most was when the author started to speak about encouraging creative play and a more constructive learning environment. Unstructured toys like blocks, legos, playdough etc. cause a child to look at something that looks like nothing, and create it into something new. It’s the imitating of the violence that can lead to further issues especially if parental involvement is absent.