October 26

Porn is addictive

So if porn is bad for you because of what it does to the brain than sex is bad too. Dont they do the same thing to the brain?

“These porn users are being taught that those behaviors are more normal and common than they actually are.” Viewers need to learn what is okay and what is not. I had a class last semester that had the topic of porn almost in every session. I have talked a lot about this, ha. My thoughts have always been: If something that is odd turns you on, its okay, go ahead and indulge in your weirdness. But, with everything don’t over do it. Dont think that your going to find someone to wants to do or likes the same thing. AND no that it is not normal for you to have this weird fetish but if you can contain it, than its okay.

I watched the video about Jessica, the former porn star. Why did she let her rape define her?

She thought of her tapings as punishment.

The real problem is the  people who are producing and directing this stuff.

So the website talks about viewing porn and how it is harmful but the video is about actual porn stars, why isn’t the website more about not going into that type of lifestyle because viewing porn and actually starring in it are different things. Most people who go into the porn industry aren’t addicted to it .. they come from bad backgrounds or need the money. So, I’m a little confused as to what the two have to do with each other.

Videos: lying with images..

Crazy how  the graphs can be manipulated like that. I dont know her name but someone in class last week talked about how women do look this good and we need to not bash them but just not compare ourselves and I have always thought that. There are so many anti-photoshop things now its kind of annoying, for some reason i have much doubt that this much photoshop is used. sorry.

What is with the Timberland tires, I have never even seen those. That was confusing.

Hausmanns videos: After reviewing all of the 15 strategies, I can see now how they all relate to one another and what their relevancy is. I have noticed some of them before, but did not understand how it was possible. Sometimes I have caught myself playing into certain steps, such as the ALL in the macs ad. It is crazy how companies pose these fake messages to benefit from them. With the Walmart video are we automatically assuming the Good for you label is b.s?