October 26th

Chapter 6 Pop Culture Promiscuity

This chapter had various shocking statistics while reading through. The fact that teens are not as bad as adults or that the amount of teens who have had sex has dramatically decreased from 20 years ago. I also thought it was interesting that the author noted the way people think about sex has changed and the economics and demographics of an ever changing society also played a role. When it came to knowledge and parenting on the topic of sex I thought this chapter had an interesting viewpoint. Adolescents especially aren’t knowledgeable about certain things because they are never taught about sensitive topics not in school or by there parents.  If this society was able to be more informed than that could make a difference. The author also said that this current culture has many areas that allow teens to be away from their parents and act in a different or sexual way. But at the same time the parents cant be  dominatingly strict. Parents need to have a balance between strictness and teaching there children about sensitive topics and then trusting that they will make smart choices based on the knowledge given to them.  “We ignore the majority of teens who are responsible or don’t engage in sex”. Sternheimer Pg. 149 The author makes a valid point that family monitoring, support and communication play huge roles in peoples lives.