October 5

My favorite article: “Best way to compliment little girl”

I printed this out and gave it to my mom and told her to read it that she needed more insight on this topic. I know I talk a lot about my sister and mom but they are the epidemy of all this stuff ha. My mom constantly is engulfed with my sister and I’s looks. I make a point to never compliment them because of this. They’re are always comments on my sisters and I’s choice of clothing. When I was little my dad always made me feel like I was fat, same with my brother. It was okay to tell us that our outfit was hot or not. It was always about looks and never about the stuff that mattered. My sister is really great at picking out her clothing for her age. I always want to compliment on her choices, this article is great and teaching us how to do that. Hopefully my mom reads this and my sister too!

Poor will always be with us

Interesting article; it really emphasized the importance of asking the people who are being affected. They ask others for advice people who are not experienced in the situation at all. Then, nothings gets done.. wonder why. The article pointed out a few things I actually didn’t think of before (this happened yet)- Poverty is only discussed around holidays. -WHY ISNT IT A YEAR ROUND PROBLEM?

Global food disparity

Many are starving-many are obese and others are starved. The pictures of how these families are surviving was crazy. I am not quite connected with the relevance of this article.

ahhh let toys be toys

Target is amazing for the way they jumped on the train so quick. So many people were haters but this article does a great job at saying why toys shouldn’t be genderized. First off, it prohibits children from thinking outside the box, they grow up thinking the genders are always on opposite sides of the spectrum. Labels and colors sway children and they get what they think is right, not what they want. Different toys influence development and it is better for there child if they get to play with all different kinds.