October 5th

The Best Way to Compliment Little Girls:

When I read this article I realized, this is the best way to inspire little girls to care more about their inner beauty not just their appearance. Growing up I didn’t really have that problem. However, I did have friends that only cared about appearance. I always thought to myself, well only if their inner beauty was a pretty as their outfit! Now as an adult I came to the realization that indeed i was right as a little girl, the pretty outfits aren’t what truly matter. Teaching little girls that one thing can expand their thinking about their place in life. Not all girls have to wear the pretty clothes to be called beautiful.  For example, my little doesn’t pay to much attention to what she wears, which seems like a good start to her development.

The Poor Will Always Be With US:

The news on TV never fails to mention top stories on the weather, murders, fires, car accidents, and politics. WHAT ABOUT THE POOR? Why are stories about the poor never broadcast, and when they are they are usually about how a wealthy politician helped in a positive way. The not so pleasant realities about the poor are never on top news. Why? Could it be that the poor aren’t so attractive to our society? I think the more we avoid the topic the more it haunts reality,  the poor are not going anywhere especially if they continue to be the outcast  in our society.