October 5th

DeMause Poverty in the News and Frica Global Food Disparity a Photo Diary

The article on poverty was interesting in the sense that we are aware that poverty is an issue worldwide yet we don’t give it as much as attention as other issues. Just knowing about something isn’t really enough to change the outcome of it. The media believes that poverty is not a news worthy topic so it is not continually covered. The food photo diary article was interesting because visual representations at least for me have always gotten the message across much more than charts, graphs, readings and so on. To see how much food a family gets weekly from different locations is a bit of an eye opener. Not only was the amount of food different but the type of food was extremely different. (junk food vs fruits and veggies)

The Best Way to Compliment Little Girls

This article was very interesting to me because it presented an issue and a solution. So many articles and news reports now a days only show the problem and not the solution to an issue. To empower someone with more confidence by complimenting their smile not their shoes means so much to an individual, because that smile will still make someone feel good the next day. Whereas only complimenting outfits that change day by day can have a rather negative affect on how people see themselves.