Off to London!!

Los Angeles, USA 4:00 PM PST

Hello CI and friends! My name is Lisa Marie and I am a senior majoring in Political Science and Communication. I will be graduating this December and I feel so lucky to have been chosen for this opportunity to travel abroad before I leave CI! It will be such a unique experience being in a different country and being able to talk to the locals. This will be the first time using my new “adult” passport and I think a Heathrow stamp is the perfect first addition to my passport pages. As I write this I am waiting at LAX in front of our gate and excited to board. It will be a 10 hour direct flight from LAX to London Heathrow airport. Today is Monday July 27th and we arrive in London at noon Tuesday the 28th. Walking around in our terminal I can already hear native British accents and a few families speaking French around me. Just sitting at the airport gives one the chance to observe intercultural interaction; something that I have learned about in several Communication classes at CI. When I arrive in London I am most looking forward to the amazing shopping. I have done my research on all of the great shops in London and cannot wait to visit places like Harrods and Oxford Street. Of course, I will be updating everyone back home on much more than shopping! For my next blog post I will be writing from London, England. Get pumped!