Oh Decisions Decisions

In bulletin one it discusses a situation in which a student partakes in an activity that if caught would be considered a felony and how nothing bad has happened as a response to their action. As a peer educator is is important in this situation to report the incident due to the nature of it being an illegal action as mentioned in principal 10. Another way of dealing with the situation is asking the student to not only consider the consequences of their actions upon themselves, but how it may impact other students. It is important to remind the student that laws are their to protect not only our well being, but also the well being of others. Most of the possible consequences of this situation are the student reminding you to mind your own business or potentially even being threatened as you are trying to make the student confess to a felony they committed.

In bulletin three it discusses a situation in which you feel attraction toward a person who you have been tutoring and how you considering going to a third party to determine wether they were mutually interested. As a peer educator you must remember the concepts of principals seven and eight that deal with dealing with people you may have pleasant or unpleasant feelings about. While it would be pleasant to be able to work around this situation there is no real way to deal with this situation without informing the person and breaking some code of conduct. No real consequences exist from the solutions I proposed besides holding onto your feelings and not being able to express how you feel towards someone.